WEDEL +49 4103 18886 0 JENA +49 3641 34703 86

Contact Person

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dennis Moschik
Phone: +49 4103 18886 44
E-Mail: dennis.moschik@messtechniknord.de

Tim Stammwitz and Hartmut Jessen

New deputy laboratory manager for EMC.

With one laughing and one crying eye we are looking forward to Hartmut Jessen's well-deserved retirement. For over many decades he enriched MessTechnikNord with his valuable work. Thank you for your commitment and the great time together. We appreciate you a lot and wish you all the best for the new chapter in your life.

At the same time, we are happy to welcome Tim Stammwitz as Hartmut's successor. Tim has been enriching MessTechnikNord since 2018 and is looking forward to the new challenge as the deputy laboratory manager. We wish you all the best and look forward to the future.

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