WEDEL +49 4103 18886 0


EMC Services

Contact Person

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Dennis Moschik
Phone: +49 4103 18886 44
E-Mail: dennis.moschik@messtechniknord.de

Accreditited tests inside EMC laboratory and on-site

Our lab is acrredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. Our test engineers are proficient in standard tests from all industry sectors for pre compliance testing or to qualify your final serial product.

Clearly arranged test reports, immediately and reliably

Our test reports meet all the requirements of DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025. Shortly after the test, we provide a comprehensive test report in German or English for download via the MTN-Secure-Cloud. The report has then already been checked by another independent person and signed digital by the head of laboratory with worldwide accepted authentification signature.

Creation of all relevant EMC documents

We daily work with all relevant documents in the field of EMC. Whether the test plan, QTP, EMC expertise, risk analysis, FMEA, EMC analysis, operating instructions, installation instructions or construction regulations, we have numerous templates and help you to create this documents.

Prototype measurements during development in real time

Investigation of measurements before final testing save money! We know exactly which tests are important and have measuring equipment for very fast EMC precompliance testing in real time. You will receive the results and photos immediately in pdf-, xls- or doc-format or the raw data. You can then easily view the raw data with your team using a viewer, with zoom in fucntion, measurents inside diarams, printing tools and more.

Secure customer portal

You can safely access your files and reports via our customer portal MTN-Secure-Cloud, either via a direct download link to an individual file or in a cloud area especially for your project using the upload function. You or we will be informed at any time via the automatic e-mail notification functionality as soon as new data is available.

Field simulation on ships

On ships there are a large number of communication devices with a wide variety of antennas depending on the frequency range used. The positioning of the antennas has a high influence on the field strengths generated during transmission on the upper (above) deck. Based on a model of the ship's hull and with knowledge of the antenna systems and their transmission power, the ‘Concept’ simulation software used at MeßTechnikNord GmbH can be used to calculate the field strengths at every point above deck. This is significant for assessing exposure protection (personal hazard) and for securing explosive cargo and fuel transfer points.

EMC related consulting to components, devices and systems

We give you the necessary security when dimensioning the filter in the circuit diagram, the layer structure or in the layout of the circuit board. We are also happy to pass on our experience when selecting the right cables, laying them and connecting the cable shields. Critical errors should also be avoided in the grounding concept, grounding and grounding.


We offer individual further education that apply exactly to your problems. However, in-depth knowledge of legal regulations is also essential for eficient and safe product development and marketing.

Excellent Conditions for our customers

We offer

  • customer on-site parking directly at the entrance to our laboratory
  • large hall entrances at ground level
  • workplaces directly at the test benches
  • free WiFi and printer access
  • canteen on the premises

everything to guarantee the most pleasant, efficient and fast test schedule possible.

Remote Witnessing

Even if you cannot be present in our laboratory, we offer the possibility to witness the tests live. You are able to check the test setups and to view the results via video chat.

Kraftfahrtbundesamt (KBA) E1 approval

The EMC laboratory of MeßTechnikNord GmbH is appointed as technical service by the KBA. We perform the necessary tests and support you in the approval process of your components used in vehicles.

Medical devices

Our EMC laboratory perform all relevant tests for the approval of medical or IVD (in-vitro diagnostics) devices. Furthermore, we are able to support you in creating the necessary documents like risk analysis, the operating instructions and the test plan. We carry out the accredited tests of these documents. Our accreditation for EMC testing and document testing has also been recognized by the ZLG (Central Authority of the Countries for Health Protection with regard to Medicinal Products and Medical Devices).

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